Retro Mikołajki

PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.

Another event for PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. with full organization of integration activities and evening attractions. The participants, divided into smaller groups, participated in two blocks of classes. Thanks to the iconic cars - fiat 126p, we went back almost 40 years ago into a little bit 'retro' polish reality. Being on the road of our game the participants checked their skills in the challenges straight from those times. The second block of classes - original ESDS self-defense classes - conducted on the terrace with a beautiful view of the lake. In the evening we returned again to the times of the Polish People's Republic - the climate was assured by an irreplaceable host, special contests, decorations, gifts and music. It was one of our projects that we will remember for a long time :)


Czas trwania2 dni

Liczba uczestników90

Zadania agencjiIntegration activities and evening attractions